I Took The Lab T-Sterone10 For 90 Days – INCREDIBLE or Incredible WASTE of Money?

Last updated on January 27th, 2025 at 02:32 pm

I’ve been a customer of True Nutrition for over a decade. I was buying their protein powder back when it came in large garbage bags in 50lb offerings. I would shove it under the futon in our 2nd bedroom, and fill up a container for the kitchen. Since then they’ve gotten a little more “professional” with their offerings, but their stuff is still some of the best and most affordable on the market. So when Dante and the team released their line The Lab, headlined with T-Sterone10, I got really excited.

You probably know I took Tongkat Ali for a full year and documented my results. I’ve taken a few products over the years that claimed to do some fancy stuff in the downstairs compartments, and most were meh. Tongkat Ali was good enough that I kept taking it, but it did not hit the highs that are claimed by many. T-Sterone10 was a highly recommended supplement in my Review Pipeline voting. So my enthusiasm for True Nutrition and the voting results told me to take the plunge.

Will T-Sterone10 be just another T-Booster full of claims and no results? Or will it be something awesome? Lets dig in.

Key Notes

The Lab T-Sterone10 is a quality Test Support supplement. I found myself feeling better in just about every aspect of my life while on it, and feeling like something was missing while off it.

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The Lab T-Sterone10

Transparency Note

I have an affiliate relationship with True Nutrition that gives me a link and discount code. If you use those, I get a small percentage of the sale. They do occasionally offer products to their affiliate for content creation, but did not do so for this review. I paid out of pocket for my full 90 day supply of T-Sterone10 as well as my blood work.

What is A Testosterone Booster?

As an avid lifter, or even just someone mildly informed in the sports performance realm, we often associate “Test Boost” with steroids. Or at the very least, a similar concept of what they might do for us. Steroids are one of those things that intrigues me deeply, but I’ll never go any further than that. I have a strong family history of addiction, stroke, and heart issues. Those combine to likely making me a really bad candidate for having a healthy relationship with “the gear”.

Instead, the brain turns to the idea of Test Booster Supplements.

Unfortunately, the difference between a pharmaceutical drug and a supplement is a MUCH different beast. There is a lot going on here, and Layne Norton goes into it in some more detail in the video above if you’d like to explore it. But here is a quick and dirty.

A normal range for a male for a blood test for testosterone, is somewhere between 300 to 1000 nanograms. So if you got a blood test today, you would see your test numbers LIKELY falling somewhere in that 300 to 1000 range.


Courtesy of CentricHealth

If you were to take a test boosting supplement, you might see them claim something like “a 50% increase in testosterone”. So if you are sitting at 600 on that test, a very healthy number, you might be able to reach 900 with a quality test booster that worked well for you. The problem? 900 is STILL within the normal ranges of testosterone. And what if you are sitting at a normal 400? That same 50% increase only takes you to 600, smack dab in the middle of normal and average.

Compare this to a competitive bodybuilder who shared his results during competition and they were in the 55,000 RANGE!!! This is what we call super-physiological ranges. Numbers that can not be obtained by a natural athlete, in anyway shape or form, and they create the bonkers results we see in professional bodybuilders and other athletes who seem to transform in a matter of weeks instead of years.

steroids image 2 large

Courtesy of Untapped Supplements

Now you might be saying, “I don’t want to be Mr. Olympia!”. Agreed, neither do I. But the things we associate with steroids, the huge muscle gains, fat loss, strength gains, and more… aren’t coming from something that is bumping your numbers from normal to a little higher of normal. They are coming from the WAY over the top response your body has to being injected regularly with steroids.

Why Does This Matter?

I don’t want anyone to think that taking an herbal supplement is going to turn them into a monster. You aren’t going to finish a cycle and look like a drastically different person. You won’t wake up in 90 days and have veins popping everywhere, 10lbs of new muscle and 10lbs of lost fat, cranking out PRs you never thought possible.

In this review I’ll be looking at T-Sterone10 from this viewpoint, what it is potentially capable of, and how that translates to good or bad tangible results in my life.

Anything Else Before We Begin?

Diet comes first. And maybe even before that is general lifestyle. You should be sleeping, eating, exercising, getting outside, drinking your water, you name it. All in a pursuit of having a happy and healthy life. If you are ignoring the big pieces to the puzzle, and hoping a supplement takes care of it all for you, you are as they say stepping over dollars to pick up pennies.

You will NEVER reap the rewards of ANY supplement fully, if the basics are not handled. Sleep, nutrition, basic exercise, and in general a happy life. I’m not saying these things have to be perfect, far from it. But you should focus your efforts there before searching for a magic pill.

Ok, lets get back on track.

My History With Test Boosters

I shared in my Tongkat Ali review, that I’ve tinkered with a handful of Test Boosters in the past and had extremely mixed results. Now that could be associated with a ton of different things, but ultimately I landed on that they were a waste of money across the board.

I decided, after a ton of hype, to take a run at Tongkat Ali. I liked it enough, especially at the price, to run it for an entire year. And then I kept running it up until the end of 2024 (I’m about to run out as of writing this review).


As I approach 40, attempt to run a business, manage daily life, pursue platform PRs, and perform well in bedroom, the idea of a little boost is worth an investment to me, assuming it works.

Tongkat Ali is recommended to take consistently. The brand I was taking is $22 for 120 caps. I was taking 1 per day, making that bottle last a full 120 days. That is one of the cheapest supplements I’ve taken at a little over $7 for a month.

T-Sterone10 on the other hand is $60 for 120 caps, and you need to take 4 caps a day (so one bottle is a month supply). You could get a year supply of Tongkat Ali for just a single month worth of T-Sterone10. That cost difference needs to add up to something special.

What True Nutrition Claims About T-Sterone10

I took the below straight from an email from True Nutrition. Nothing is my own words here. Just including this for context and discussion.

Behind T-Sterone10. I try my best to put my money where my mouth is. There is just so much BS advertising going on in a saturated market… I get it. People are desperate and will claim anything to get sales and get noticed. “Testosterone boosters!” One of the biggest farces out there, yet you go on Amazon or a supplement marketplace and see millions upon millions of dollars spent on testosterone-boosting products that don’t work, and you look at the ingredient label thinking, “WTH… that isn’t going to do anything!”

Everyone knows that I own 50% of True Nutrition and that you can go there to customize your own proteins, greens, oatmeals, etc., and buy raw ingredients. As some of you know, 99.9% of supplement companies don’t make their own products… they have a company such as mine to make their products. And we do; we make 37 other companies’ products. We are the ultra-rare supplement company that owns the manufacturing plant, makes their own products, puts their own label on, and ships them to where they want.

In many cases, it doesn’t really matter to me whether you buy from ABC Supplement line or True Nutrition—I am making the product either way. But, I always wanted to do something important to me personally. I wanted to make products for myself—things I deem extremely valuable. So years ago, I soft-launched a sub-line off of True Nutrition called The Lab® Supplements. There are compounds out there in nature that are extremely worthy, but because bodybuilding is so engrained with steroids (and hey, steroids work—and work well), people head towards that route.

Here’s the problem with steroids: the side effects.

HDL plummets. LDL/Trigs skyrocket. Kidneys get compromised. Blood pressure gets elevated. People lately are dying or having heart attacks in their 30’s and 40’s…it’s getting ridiculous.

I selfishly got to the point where I thought, “I want to make anabolic, testosterone-boosting, and joint-protecting products for myself!” And hopefully, that would interest others. For example, I had been experimenting with flavones for years now. There are straight-out anabolic properties in some of these flavones! Since their release, I’ve been working on tweaking them over the last couple of years. I’ve been working with Apigenin for many years, and it’s an amazing compound.

But I digress—this will get too long if I go off in twelve different directions. Back to the topic at hand: TESTOSTERONE BOOSTERS.  What a bunch of bullcrap. I decided I needed to make one that works, and I also needed to prove it works.

I formulated T-Sterone10 with the main ingredients being Bulbine and Shilajit. Some lesser ingredients I feel strongly about were added (i.e., Boron, etc.), but the main ones doing the dirty work are Bulbine and Shilajit. So let’s get down to brass tacks, shall we? Otherwise, it’s just a dude named Dante Trudel shooting his mouth off, and it’s BS unless I put some proof in the pudding, right? So let’s put some proof in the pudding.


I gave some of this formula to family and friends and told them how to use it. Family and friends were like, “Whoa, dude, what’s in this stuff?” I got resounding reviews. But again, that’s all word-of-mouth BS unless I prove it out. With our group of volunteers, I blood tested them before and on their last day of usage (after three months). There were 5 random volunteers initially, but one guy fell off the wagon—didn’t adhere to protocol, skipped dosages for almost a week at a time, and we finally just kicked him out. Below are the viable volunteers.

PROTOCOL VS. RESULTS  The protocol: Each participant consumed 3 capsules of T-Sterone10 in the morning and 3 capsules at night over the course of 90 days. At the end of the trial, blood health markers (kidney/liver) and testosterone were 3rd-party tested via LabCorp.   The results: Testosterone levels were elevated across all participants, and blood health markers (kidney/liver) were unchanged.

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FINAL THOUGHTS  The dramatic increases in free testosterone is what amazes me. I really put some thought processes into these compounds. On a side note, I know of two people who are on TRT and used to take HCG along with their TRT. Both of them stopped taking the HCG upon trying this product (I asked them to). One individual said he sees no difference whatsoever between using the HCG with his TRT and this product (which is great—but hey, that’s only an opinion).

The other individual, however, had bloodwork done while on his TRT, and it came back with a total test of 1533! He told me he has never tested that high on TRT and usually tests in the 700-850 range. I was initially worried about the Bulbine because there’s literature out there saying it can build up toxicity if used for a length of time, but I saw an assay on its safety in usage, and every single one of these guys used these products for 90 days with zero signs of toxicity.

If I remember right, 2-3 of them had better liver and kidney values after 90 days than when they started in the first place. Regardless, I stand by only using T-Sterone10 for 90 days at a time, max. That’s my personal opinion.

Dante Trudel – Owner of True Nutrition
T Sterone

What Did The Review Process Look Like?

The above is what I had hoped to experience with T-Sterone10. So I went ahead and got comprehensive blood work on August 1st. This gives us a baseline of my hormone levels and everything else important going on inside my body. Since we not only care about the hormones, but also not jacking everything else up in the process, this was an important aspect for me.

I started taking T-Sterone10 on August 2nd, and ran it for the 90 day process that Dante recommends which ended on October 31st. I then did comprehensive blood work again on November 7th after being off of T-Sterone10 for less than 1 week. They recommend you wait 3 to 4 weeks till you hop back on, so I waited till December to write this. This gives us a pretty good insight into the changes going on in an objective manner from beginning to end.

August 2024 Calendar
October 2024 Calendar
November 2024 Calendar

I’m also going to share some anecdotal details about my general energy, sleep, sexual prowess, gym abilities, and more. If you read the Tongkat Ali article, you know what to expect. During this time fram I juggled work, life, family, and prepping and competing in the Fall Garage Gym Competition. I also was on a diet and lost ~20lbs of bodyweight from 265 down to 245lbs at 6ft tall.

T-Sterone10 Results

Blood Work

I’ve been pretty diligent with my blood work over the years. Being a bigger dude and having family history with mixed results, I’ve always wanted to keep an eye on things. Keep in mind that blood tests for hormones are a little whacky. Where your liver counts, Vitamin D3 numbers and other items are a little more consistent over the course of a day or even multiple weeks, your hormones fluctuate throughout the day, every day. If you slept a little off, or just happen to not be a morning person, or whatever it might be, morning fasted blood tests might not tell the entire picture.

That said, it is what we have, and I consistently get my blood tested in the morning, while fasted, so we at least have a consistent marker to look at. Whether it is the perfect solution or not, it is at least a consistent solution.

I tend to hover somewhere around 400ng for my Testosterone count. Remember that the low end is around 300ng, and the high end is around 1000 for a normal male. For reference, LabCorp, where I get my blood work done, has their reference set at 264-916. A quick google search tells me that the average result for a man my age is between 352 and 478, so I am legit smack dab in the middle of average.


At the end of February of 2024, at the end of my 1 year experiment with Tongkat Ali, I was sitting at 355. My test in August clocked me in at 344. And my November test results clocked me in at 433ng. That is a solid 26% improvement in my Testosterone over the course of 90 days while taking T-Sterone10. That is a big difference compared to Tongkat Ali, which didn’t seem to raise my Test levels at all.

Since I ran comprehensive bloodwork, I’ll make note of the rest. Nothing else seemed to change. All my levels were more or less the same across the board, so I don’t think there was anything negative here or super positive impacting the rest of my body, organs, you name it.

Go ahead and give a thumbs up there for Dante and the team.

Sex Stuff

The blood work is the objective data, the things we can measure. The rest of this is the subjective stuff, the things I can’t give you hard numbers but can give you notes on how I felt or things I noticed.

FYI – take off now if you don’t want to learn more about my downstairs party in my pants. That means you Rachelle.

I mentioned during my Tongkat Ali experiment, that there was a definite increase in the size of my testicles. Not like, alarming increase that I needed to see a doctor about, but an increase. And I have noticed that the larger my testicles are, the more in the mood I am for some bed-sheet activities.

I have historically been an every couple of days kind of dude, opposed to an every day kind of dude. With Tongkat Ali that window shrank a bit. With T-Sterone10 that window shrunk a lot more. I was squarely in the “let’s have sex every day” realm, consistently, for the majority of the 90 days. Not only did I want it more, I enjoyed it more, and so did my wife. Things were easier, from start to finish, and there was a confidence level that I had going that I’m not fully accustomed to here.

And yes, my testicles were noticeably larger compared to the Tongkat Ali experiment.

This all makes sense anecdotally, the boost in test likely has a direct connection to my sex drive, which has correlation to my testicle size. We start to get a 1+1=3 situation, where the good times plus the actual results are compounding like a snowball rolling down a hill. The more good times we have, the more I want, the more I keep succeeding in that realm, the more I want more, you get it.

Another win for T-sterone10.

Gym Stuff

This one is a bit more difficult to measure, mostly because my goal was to test my 1rm maxes during the Fall Garage Gym Competition and see if I had made any legit improvements. A couple of weeks before the competition, we went from 104 degrees to 40 degrees in a matter of a two week span in California. Nothing hits me harder than some abrupt weather changes, and this tried to bury me. This meant my peak fell apart and I was left with a “lets just see what happens” kind of competition.

I managed a 500lb squat, 315lb bench, and 585lb deadlift. These aren’t PRs by any means, but I also dropped 20lbs of bodyweight since my last attempts. So I snagged some solid lifts, while losing about 7% of my bodyweight, on a Plan B process.

What I can add here, is that my strength was up across every lift throughout my training. Accessory stuff like rows, curls, and triceps extensions, as well as the big stuff like Squat, Bench, and Deadlift.

I’m not sure I can give T-Sterone10 the full credit here, but I also think we have to look at those test scores in a new light. I was at the end of a diet, at the end of a long string of hard workouts, where I very likely retained the majority of my muscle, and trimmed about 4 belt holes in my powerlifting belt, while retaining my strength in the big lifts. Getting a thinner waist is supposed to mean bad things for powerlifters, but it seemed to work here.

So I can’t give T-Sterone10 any huge credit here, I also can’t argue that it went along for the ride and possibly helped me out. So at worse, nothing, at best, this was a crucial key to my diet.

Other Stuff

Ever since my daughter was born, I’ve been a very light sleeper. An ant farts on the other side of the house and I wake up. With T-Sterone10 I was sleeping more soundly, more deeply, and more consistently. I felt less interruptions in the middle of the night, and was waking up in the morning with the old morning wood on a regular basis. I tend to have overheating issues while sleeping, and while I still had to manage that, it didn’t seem to be as much of a problem.

Wrap Up On T-Sterone10

Everything seemed to work together. Better sleep meant more energy. More energy meant more effort in the gym. More effort in the gym meant more muscle, and a better diet. Higher test meant more success in the bedroom. More success in the gym and the bedroom meant more confidence, and that confidence meant less internal dialogue (I’m a constant over thinker). That probably fed back into better sleep as well, and being more in the moment with everything I was doing. Meaning I enjoyed those moments more as I was locked in, instead of somewhere else.


I mentioned during my Tongkat Ali experiment that the real win was only around my sex life. That $7 a month was probably worth it. Looking at the increased cost of T-Sterone10, the question is, is it worth it?

I’m going to leave you with this. The month after taking T-Sterone10, into December, I felt like something was missing. Those benefits in the bedroom started to fade, I was a little less focused. The gym is still cranking, but I’ve also made some changes that better fit my life right now, so that could be that.

So here is my final statement… At the end of every year I relook at my budget, expenses, and plans. I look at my planned supplements for the year as well. I removed Tongkat Ali from the list and plan to make T-Sterone-10 a regular part of my routine.

A BOLIC Resized

Well, kind of. I just bought a 90 day supply of A-BOLIC, their other hormone support supplement. I’ll be running that as we go into the beginning of 2025. My current plan would be to see which one I like better, and run that for 90 days, take a 4 week break where I take the other one, and then back.

Should you buy T-Sterone10? That is going to first depend on your budget. With my discount code and their subscribe option, you can get it down around $55 out the door per bottle, so about $660 a year. If you currently have solid Test numbers, it might not do much for you. But if you see the results and notes above and think “that sounds like it would be worth $600”, then take it for a ride and let me know what you think.

đź’˛You can grab a bottle of T-Sterone10 using this link and save 5% w/ Code: GML

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My name is Joe Gray - aka Gray Matter Lifting - and I've been lifting at home since 2013. In that time I've built a badass gym, deadlifted over 600lbs, helped grow r/Homegym to over 1 Million subscribers, created the Garage Gym Competition and written a ton of posts here on this site. I love the Garage Gym Community... If you do too, I hope you stick around.

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