HyperIce HyperVolt – 1+ Year Review
Last updated on December 19th, 2024 at 02:38 pm
I’ve been lifting for over a decade. While I pride myself in using top tier technique, pushing your body over and over tends to take its toll. Add to that that I’m not getting any younger and I don’t want to become “one of them.” The old washed up meat heads in pain that can’t do much more than walk to the kitchen and back. Add to that that my wife lifts as well, and you start looking at ways to keep yourself in one piece far into the future. Enter the HyperVolt.
Key Notes
The HyperVolt is a great tool assuming you use it regularly. It is small enough to travel, but packs a big punch. This thing gets used DAILY by me as part of my night time routine.
There are now WAY more options on the market to consider than when I bought mine.
There are a few big name personal massager (yeah, jokes) tools on the market for consumer use. The Tim Tam, the TheraGun, and the HyperVolt. Add in the DIY solutions of using a Jigsaw and some modified attachments, and there are a few different options depending on your needs, budget, and overall goal of use.
The TheraGun, Tim Tam, and the Jigsaw mods were ruled out of our buying decision for a few reasons. The number one issue was the loudness factor. They all sound like power tools when in use. We purposefully wanted one that we could use while my daughter was asleep and we were watching TV. Factor in that the cost of the HyperVolt is less than the TheraGun and TimTam (though considerably more expensive than the JigSaw option), and you had a no brainer in my book of which to choose.
- Note: A few of the companies have “copied” the HypeVolt in the sound category.
- Note: Since this review is several years old, there are a TON of options on the market available.
The HyperVolt comes with 4 attachments for different applications, a rechargeable battery and charging cable, and my purchase came with the carrying case.
HyperVolt Use
Over the past several months we have used the HyperVolt almost every single night before bed. To say that this thing has been put through the ringer over the years is an understatement.
Our typical night follows a common flow. We eat dinner, we go on a walk, we give the kiddo a bath, we put her down for bed, and we watch shows while using the HyperVolt. I typically go solo and pair it with some soft tissue work. I tend to work from my neck down to my feet.
Occasionally I use it as a warm-up tool. For my workouts, it is typically massaging the areas I plan to work that day.

Overall Thoughts on the HyperVolt
The build of the HyperVolt as a whole is very nice. It fits well in your hands, it isn’t too heavy or too light, and everything feels solid and built to last. The four attachments give some nice abilities to mix up the sensations. My wife for instance uses the “nerf ball” type attachment regularly, and I use the trigger point attachment. The flat head attachment works nice as well on the legs and larger areas, and I’m still experimenting on the two prong attachment. Again, the attachments feel solid and unless if you exposed them to the elements for a length of time, I see no chance of them damaging.

Carrying Case
The carrying case does what it needs to do, but in contrast to the unit itself, feels incredibly underbuilt. It truly feels like an afterthought to the build. Oddly enough, the original box the unit comes in is likely a sturdier, stronger, better storage case than the dedicated carrying case. I wish I had kept it, but here we are. My order came with the case as a Black Friday promotion, on top of being $50 cheaper and free shipping, so it makes the sting a lot lighter, but I’d definitely not recommend the case as a stand-alone purchase.
Power Settings
The HyperVolt has three power settings. For me, I spend most of my time on the third setting for my back and legs, the second setting for my chest and shoulders, and the first setting for my forearms and feet. My wife exclusively uses the first setting, as anything else is too jarring. Remember, she carries a solid 100lbs less mass than I do, and she also isn’t a fan of the really deep and aggressive massages that I’ve grown accustomed to from lacrosse balls and the like.
For this reason, I’d actually like to see the HyperVolt have a fourth lower setting. I don’t think we need anything stronger (though I’d never complain about it), but a lower setting would open the door for the unit to be used on more tender areas like the neck and maybe even the jaw or hands, and would work much better for my wife in a lot of her upper extremities. The first setting, paired with the nerf ball attachment, dampen the power a bit. However, the nerf ball also is less focused (duh!) and while that has the benefit of less power, it seems to aggravate the skin a bit more. I think it is simply the wider and less direct contact, almost like how a loose fitting article of clothing can rub, compared to a tighter fit.
Small Issue
The only other issue is that, while the unit vibrates much less than other units I’ve seen, it still has the effect using a power tool for a length of time does. What I mean is, your arm continues to vibrate after use for a while, and it can aggravate your elbow, wrist, etc. if you don’t take adequate breaks. My wife often has to do my back in two or three “sessions”, since I need it on high, it is a little strong for her.
The battery lasts amazingly long, especially for the amount of use it gets. I often will use it for a solid hour or so, covering every area of my body making sure I’m not ignoring any trigger points or areas affected by some leftover DOMS from a gnarly workout this week. Every day the HyperVolt is going through a solid hour of use, and I think I charge it every other week. It easily charges overnight to full battery, or while you are at work. This makes it a solid travel companion as well.
I mentioned that I wanted the HyperVolt because of the lower noise output, and this was a good choice. No issues hearing it outside of our room (baby stays asleep), and even on the third setting you can still hear the tablet clearly. I wouldn’t watch something extremely plot driven like say, Mr. Robot, while using it on high as you might miss a few key words. But watching comedy specials, old episodes of The Office, and various game shows is no problem.
After a year of use, it is hard to objectively tell this, but I believe the unit has gotten a bit louder and a bit “shakier”. There is probably some tightening of screws I could do for maintenance purposes, but be aware of this. I don’t think it’ll ever get to the point where it is unbearable in either metric, but certainly not out of the box perfect performance after what is probably close to 100 hours of use.
Updated Notes
I’ve owned this since late 2018. I’ve used it legit probably 360 out of 365 days a year. Only exception is on late nights out, while traveling, or other oddities. I use it before bed as part of my before bed ritual. Over the several years we’ve owned it, it has been dropped a few times by my daughter. The battery clip now no longer functions. And the o-ring on the battery is busted as well. I addressed these issues with some electrical tape.
The good news is, the newer models have an integrated battery so this shouldn’t be an issue. That is also a big upgrade because you no longer have to have a dedicated charger for it. Use the USB C cables we all have lying around, and good to go!
I still HIGHLY recommend looking into a high quality device like this.
The carrying case is lackluster, and I wish it had a lower setting for a few reasons, and if they could get rid of the residual vibrations through your hand and arm that would be great. Other than that, I believe the HyperVolt is a key addition to my recovery game (and my wife’s) and is definitely something you should explore as a potential addition to yours. It is infinitely easier to set-up, use, and put away than the Compex I have, and gives way more options as you can jump from muscle to muscle in an instant, stop it and pick up and play with your kid or finish a set, and then go right back to it.
The ability to share on multiple athletes with little to no hassle, the quality build and battery life, and just its overall effectiveness in reducing soreness, stiffness, and pain is well worth the price to me. Add to that that my wife and I can both get a quality massage every night, and not have to worry about our hands cramping up or fingers hurting afterwards, or in general getting tired giving the other person a massage, we can do so without waking our daughter, and we can still watch and enjoy our nightly shows, and you have a winner in my book.
You can grab a HyperVolt like mine at this link. Or check out all of the personal massage options on Amazon with this link.
I’ll be working on reviews for some additional massage devices, so keep your eye on the Gym Accessories Reviews.
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