The FIRST 5 Cable Attachments To Buy For Your Home Gym

Over the past 7 years I have spent thousands of dollars on cable attachments in an effort to build the BEST collection on the planet. Because I firmly believe that the best cable attachments will help us handle more weight, for more reps, with more focus on the target muscle… meaning more gains!

But what if you are just starting your cable attachment collection? Or maybe you simply want a few of the best cable attachments that will allow you to train every major muscle group, with a number of exercise options, and make VERY few sacrifices doing it.

Today’s list of five cable attachments are going to be pieces that I still use today, regularly, and so does my wife and my daughter, despite having a plethora of options… and honestly might be the only 5 cable attachments you need to build a VERY well rounded collection for your home gym.

FIRST 5 Cable Attachments Shopping List

💲Trak Handle Sport – The BEST D-Handle ever made, and arguably the GOAT of cable attachments. Check it out here.

💲MAG Medium Supinate – The cable attachment that started my obsession, the greatest back attachment ever. Check it out here.

💲Ankle Cuffs – Nothing fancy here. A good set of ankle cuffs can help unlock a lot of options in your gym. Grab any from Amazon with good ratings.

💲American Barbell V-Bar – A premium take on a basic cable attachment, from one of the biggest names in the gym equipment world. Check it out here.

💲IPR Fitness ISO Pro Handle – Ab crunches, face pulls, triceps options and more. Made in the US by a Veteran owned company. Use code GML to save 20%

Links throughout may include Affiliate Links. These help fund the site at no expense to you.

The FIRST 5 Cable Attachments To Buy For Your Home Gym

Transparency Note

Some of these I was sent for free while others I have purchased over the years. Some I have affiliate links and discount codes and others I do not. To keep it simple, let’s just say that I got all of these cable attachments for free, and if you want to snag any of them for your own gym, the links in this articlet will support the work I do including articles like this at no additional cost to you.

Cable Attachment Videos


I would much rather own 5 cable attachments that are the best at each of their intended goals, than 1 attachment that does 5 things just kind of OK. I don’t need a cable attachment that also functions as a landmine handle, and a deadlift jack, and brews me a cup of coffee. It should SMASH my lats and have me questioning reality.

So that is exactly what I have attempted to do with my own cable attachment collection. And today I’m going to take 5 of my favorite cable attachments, ones I still use regularly even with a full wall of options, so YOU can step into the realm of quality cable attachments.

What About Cable Attachment Bundles?

A handful of companies like REP Fitness, Body Solid, and even packages on Amazon can be simple solutions to grabbing an assortment of cable attachments while saving money. Personally I think if you take your time and put together a collection individually like what I’m recommending today, you’ll get a better end result. But I totally understand simply wanting to grab a group of attachments for cheap. If you go that route, these are the ones I’d recommend.

Cable Attachment Bundle

If you want to go my preferred route, let me introduce you to my first recommendation.

Trak Handle Sport

The GOAT Cable Attachment

Every good cable attachment collection needs a good D-Handle. Unfortunately, the majority of them aren’t that great. But the Trak Handle Sport? Chefs Kiss!

The Trak Handles might be the GOAT of all cable attachments. The free motion in all planes is creative and exceptionally well done. I use these across the board for chest work and shoulder work, they are fantastic for functional trainer style dual cable curls, and can be used for rows and other variations as well. These are a go to for me and my wife on a regular basis.

With a more traditional D-Handle you typically have the rubber grip over the cloth strap. Both of these create friction which limits the free range of movement. Doesn’t happen with the Trak Handles.

TrakHandleSport GIF

The Trak handles also have a free movement piece at the end, letting you rotate freely, regardless of what your cable situation looks like.

And, since the entire thing is a high-grade plastic and fairly thin profile, you don’t have that same dragging metal feeling on your arm that you get from some of the other D-Handles.

They are light but robust, they even come with a 3-year warranty, which mine have been kicking in my gym for over 5 years now. I like to add on some grips like Fat Grips, Cone Grips, and N-Gage Grips for some exercises to make them extra spicy, and because of how the handles work, I can fit basically any grip like this without issue.


You could probably get away with using these for everything but leg work, but I tend to keep them to curl variations, chest press variations, and shoulder raise variations, but have been known to mix in some forearm work with them as well. These are a BIG spend over the traditional D-Handle, as you can get one from Amazon for about $15, and these clock in at $120 a pair. Fair warning there, but I’ve never questioned this purchase and anyone who has handled these has fallen in love.

MAG Grip Medium Supinate


No surprise to anyone who has followed me for any length of time, MAG grips belong on this list. These are the cable attachments that started my obsession back in 2019, and they are still my most used cable attachments today and the MAG Medium Supinate is my favorite of the bunch.

Me, my wife, my daughter, friends, anyone who comes over for a back workout uses the MAG Grips. If I’m only grabbing one, especially for cable work, I’m taking the MAG Medium Supinate. It’ll work great for seated rows as well as pulldowns. The supinated grip will help you target the lats a bit more than the rest of the back, which from an aesthetic perspective is likely what we want anyway. Create that V-Taper!


MAG grips are a small American company, ran by a father, his daughter, and a couple part time family members. They do everything. So their website needs some work, they need to likely offer some kind of combo order offer, and a number of things I wrote down in my original review of the MAGs.

But… I’ve handled a number of row attachments, knock offs of the MAGs, the Prime 3n1 and 4n1s, and these are still the reigning champs. I actually have an affiliate link for Prime, and could have one for the knock off companies on Amazon, but I just love the real deal so much I’m sending you to their site where I have nothing but good vibes. Without a doubt, the MAG Medium Supinate is my favorite back cable attachment by a very wide margin.

Ankle Cuffs

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Don’t worry, not everything on this list is a budget buster. Ankle Cuffs are going to be a basic addition for various leg exercises whether you want to do some abductor work, glute kick backs, or any variations of the sort.

You can also knock out some seated leg curl variations and standing leg curl variations. Both, if you haven’t tried them, are absolutely brutal options to spice up your leg day. I might like these better than lying leg curls. You can even do some leg extension variations with these, and I managed to use them with my Shogun FLEX and Hyper Pro for some reverse hyper action.

Ankle Cuffs are also, awesome for shoulders. They let you take the wrist out of the equation. The wrist being a very mobile joint, means you likely can increase stability by doing this, and more stability should translate into more weight, more reps, and more gains.

These work great for laterals, front and rear raises, and a number of combinations.

The pair I have and have used for years is from APT, which has been out of business for quite some time. Too bad because they made a great belt and accessories.


I tried a fancy pair with multiple D-rings from an Amazon company and really didn’t like them. So I’d go simple here and snag a pair from either 1 More Rep, or maybe something like the Gym Reapers on Amazon.

American Barbell Rotating Solid Pressdown V-Bar


Triceps and biceps… Who doesn’t love a good arm pump in the morning?

This one is another staple, but just a very well-built staple… the rotating V-Bar, specifically from American Barbell. I’ve owned this bad boy for ALMOST as long as my MAG Medium Supinate, and it is my wife’s go-to for biceps and a regular addition to triceps.

I sometimes go awhile without using it, and then when I use it again remember just how simple and effective it is. With one handle we have triceps pushdowns, triceps extensions, and reverse grip triceps extensions, helping us target all three heads. I actually like doing a mechanical drop set like that that I call Cerberus Extensions. Very nasty.


We also have curls and reverse grip curls with the same handle, which means you could hop back and forth and blast your entire upper arm with just one cable attachment.

The knurling is present, more than enough for what it needs to do, without being overdone. The ball stops on the end help make sure you never lose your grip and improve stability just a LITTLE bit more. And the center piece rotates exceptionally smoothly. In the multiple years I’ve owned this piece, I’ve never had to do any maintenance to it. Nothing to the rotating portion or even cleaning up the knurling, addressing oxidation, nothing.

AbVBar Clean

The angles are fairly prominent, which means you should have a lot of leeway with those cranky elbows as well. I have a handful of attachments that ONLY do biceps or triceps, or even just one version of a triceps movement, and this competes with those for the top spot and does more to boot.

AbVBar Knurl
AbVBar Rotating

They do offer an American Made option, but it is out of stock a LOT, so I’ve never been able to order it. Basically, the same concept, just made here and they traded out the handles for aluminum instead of a heavy metal. This should absolutely be a staple in your cable attachment collection, and buying a good one, especially at that price, is a no brainer to me.

IPR ISO Handle Pro


Ok so we have hit legs, back, chest, shoulders, and arms… The only thing missing is Abs. For this I want something that is strong, but not in the way. Easy to hold onto, light weight, and has a fairly long reach.

If it can do more than just abs, that is a winner for a starting 5 list as well. My go-to right now is the IPR Fitness ISO Handle Pro. It is incredibly light weight, the handles are robust and easy to grab even at higher weights, and the straps slide right over the shoulders and let you get a great stretch and contraction in the abs.

IsoProAbs GIF

I pretty much skipped this movement until I got this strap, because triceps ropes were short and annoying, and anything else was just in the way. This strap can also be used for triceps extensions both normal and overhead variations, as well as rows and face pulls and anything else you’d like to toss at it.

There are a lot of straps on the market, and I’ve owned a handful. This is the one I’ve kept for my gym, and both myself and my wife find it to be the best suited for the task at hand. IPR is a veteran run organization, their gear is made right here in the US, and it comes in a number of colors if you want to get fancy with your straps as well. I believe I have a discount code for IPR too, so check that out.

Want to Dig Deeper into Cable Attachments?

You can dig into the BEST Cable Attachments For Your Home Gym article. I take today’s article and basically throw out all the rules. I split the cable attachments into body parts first, then list out my absolute favorite attachments in each category. These are going to be one-trick ponies, items with the BEST knurling, or grip, or angles, or overall design. Cable Attachments I own and use regularly and think you should DEFINITELY add to your rotation if you plan to go a little into the deep end with me.

Then cover some honorable mentions. These might be a unique piece here and there that I think deserve a mention in the BEST cable attachments discussion, might come from some of my favorite companies, or are items I haven’t yet snagged for myself but have been on my list. Yes, there are still cable attachments for me to acquire. It never ends!

Fair warning, some of these cable attachments cost $300 a PIECE and do one thing. This is not the beginner article, it is not the budget friendly cable attachment list. It is a

Wrap Up

And that my friends, is my recommendation for the FIRST 5 Cable Attachments you should buy for your home gym. As I mentioned, these are still regular cable attachments that we use in our space despite having a few dozen options. Some I have owned for 7+ years, and they keep coming back for more.

If at any point this list changes, I’ll update it. Something else tackles the job better and kicks the other cable attachment to the curb… Below is the shopping list again in case you want to grab any of these.

💲Trak Handle Sport – The BEST D-Handle ever made, and arguably the GOAT of cable attachments. Check it out here.

💲MAG Medium Supinate – The cable attachment that started my obsession, the greatest back attachment ever. Check it out here.

💲Ankle Cuffs – Nothing fancy here. A good set of ankle cuffs can help unlock a lot of options in your gym. Grab any from Amazon with good ratings.

💲American Barbell V-Bar – A premium take on a basic cable attachment, from one of the biggest names in the gym equipment world. Check it out here.

💲IPR Fitness ISO Pro Handle – Ab crunches, face pulls, triceps options and more. Made in the US by a Veteran owned company. Use code GML to save 20%

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My name is Joe Gray - aka Gray Matter Lifting - and I've been lifting at home since 2013. In that time I've built a badass gym, deadlifted over 600lbs, helped grow r/Homegym to over 1 Million subscribers, created the Garage Gym Competition and written a ton of posts here on this site. I love the Garage Gym Community... If you do too, I hope you stick around.

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