Edge Fitness Systems Football Bar Review
Last updated on January 11th, 2024 at 12:10 pm
A multi grip bar is one of the first specialist bars many put on their wishlist. The Edge Fitness Systems Football Bar was my second specialty bar. For good reasons, lifting can wreck havoc on the shoulder and a multi grip bar can help alleviate that. It can also be challenging for the triceps, bring a new stimulus to the chest, and even be used for curls. All of these were reasons I first bought my Edge Fitness Systems Football Bar.
Key Notes
The Edge Fitness Systems Football Bar was once the best American Made option on a budget. They no longer make this bar.
A key note before we proceed… Edge Fitness Systems has stopped making the majority of their bars. If this changes, I’ll let you know.
What is a Multi Grip bar?
As you can see in the picture, it is literally a bar with multiple grips. This can come in a few different fashions, including angled, straight, cambered, or a combination of those. Edge Fitness Systems was one of the first (if not the first) to produce SLIM multi grip bars. When the bar is wider, it often teeter totters in the hand more, creating stability problems. These can lead to wrist issues, which kind of feels like trading shoulder issues for wrist issues.

Edge Fitness Systems also created a neutral and angled bar combo. The neutral often called a Swiss Bar, the angled often called the Football Bar. I purchased the Edge Fitness Systems Football Bar after reading reviews and feedback from others. The combo bar, while unique, didn’t get used as often as simply the angled grips did. The neutral was unique, but often left for hammer curls.
Additional Notes on the Edge Fitness Systems Football Bar
In recent years the world has moved to cambered multi grip bars. I’m not a huge fan myself, but can understand the appeal. The trend recently has also been to make specialty bars that have knurling, olympic sleeves, and more. Interestingly enough, my powdercoated Edge bars are nearly in perfect condition. Hundreds of sets later and they have minor scratches. My Rogue specialty bars looks like trash. Edge, based out of Ohio, like Rogue, is doing something with their powdercoating process that the big boys haven’t figured out yet.
Overall, the Edge Fitness Systems Football Bar is still an awesome bar so many years later. It is missing some of the finer details the bars today have, but I’m not convinced any of that was necessary. Nice, sure. But not necessary.
You can check out Edge Fitness Systems other offerings at this link.