BootySprout Pro – HIGH Quality At A LOW Price? 2024

Last updated on September 6th, 2024 at 04:03 pm

When we bought the OG BootySprout, we knew we were going to be making some sacrifices. But what we didn’t realize was how well built that thing was going to be. It held up to a 500lb Hip Thrust from yours truly, it has been in regular rotation in our gym for almost 3 years, and it is still doing its thing. But that doesn’t mean that we didn’t have some complaints. What is cool, is that BootySprout clearly saw what we saw, the opportunity to make a more robust version worthy of the Garage Gym owner, so they released the BootySprout Pro.

It just arrived, I’ve taken some pictures, gathered some initial intel, and I’m adding it to my Review Pipeline.


Key Notes

The BootySprout Pro is the new 2024 release of one of our (shockingly) favorite pieces in our gym. They took what we loved, beefed it up, added some adjustments, and removed the majority of the negatives… at least on paper.

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Transparency Note

We purchased the original BootySprout out of our own pocket, including all of the additional bands. We liked it so much, the team and I connected and they have been very supportive over the years. They sponsored my AMA on r/HomeGym with a giveaway… they have provided me a discount and affiliate link… and they recently sent us the BootySprout Pro for free, including a full set of their new BootySprout Booty Bands 3 Pack.

As always, I am not paid for what I say here, nor am I required to share anything but the truth. But I like to be transparent before we dig deeper, so you know what is up.

BootySprout Pro Overview

The BootySprout Pro is the newest offering from the BootySprout team. While they originally were a TikTok viral sensation for people to “tone” and “sculpt” their butt, we landed on one through some other kind of influencing. My man Chad Wesley Smith of JuggernautAI fame has one with his special lady friend Marissa Inda.

I figured, if two high level powerlifters could use it, we could too. Fast forward multiple years and we have the BootySprout Pro. This is targeted at being a more robust offering than the original. All metal, included grip tape, more adjustment options, better stability, a wider and longer platform, while keeping what already worked well like the oversized back pad and storage options.

Out of the box the BootySprout Pro looks promising. Like they might have managed to remove the negatives, keep the positives, and still keep it affordable at under $250 for the unit and 4 resistance bands.

BootySprout Pro Specs

  • Brand: BootySprout
  • Made In USA: No
  • Dimensions In Use: 48in long x 29in wide
  • Additional Notes: 3 back rest adjustments – 12.5in, 14in, 16in
  • Dimensions In Storage Mode: 30in wide x 29in tall x 6in deep
  • Weight: 36.4 lbs
  • Suitable Athlete Height:
  • Finish: powder-coated steel outside, galvanized steel inside
  • Maximum Resistance Limit: Claims 400lb (stay tuned for tests)
  • Assembly: None
  • Warranty: 1 year under normal home use

BootySprout Pro FAQ

I’ll build this out as questions come in.

Shipping & Assembly

The BootySprout Pro ships in a single box. Inside the box, the unit is sandwiched between two end pieces of Styrofoam. Pull it out, unpack from the plastic bag, and you are done. Even after clean up, this MAYBE took me 10 minutes. And that includes breaking down the box for recycle and disposing of the packing materials.

No tools, no adjustments, nothing needed.

From there, you simply have to take it from storage mode, to in use mode, with two simple adjustments, and you are rocking. Pull the pop pin for the back rest and set it up straight. Unfold the foot platform, and done.

BootySprout Booty Bands 3 Pack


A new offering from the team is their BootySprout Booty Bands 3 Pack. These are NOT meant to replace the original resistance bands, but instead meant to supplement with additional exercises. The pink is the lowest resistance, followed by grey, and then black.

On the inside you have a grippy material, so the bands can stay in place better.

BootySproutBootyBands3Pack Inside

Exercise options with these include things like Glute Clams, Squats with Hip External Rotation, Donkey Kicks, Monster Walks, Leg Lifts, and more. You can even wear them while doing Hip Thrusts for some additional external rotation of the hip (some people question this idea so your mileage may vary).

We have a FULL set of the BC Strength Booty Bands. A couple stand out notes between the two… The BC Strength come in Small and Large, as well as resistance 1, 2, and 3. So you have SIX options, instead of 3. They also have a small tag on the inside that denotes the resistance level. They are all the same color, so this is crucial, but I think a nice piece that BootySprout could consider for future batches.

What is Different From OG BootySprout?

BootySproutPro vs BootySprout

We had issues with the original in a couple areas.

First, was the platform. It was a faux-wood that had no grip. The BootySprout Pro has an all metal platform with grip tape.

Second, was that the original wanted to “buckle” in the middle a bit. Not enough to break the machine, but enough to feel unstable at times, especially with the bands pulling up. The BootySprout Pro has tighter tolerances.

Third, was that you could easily tip the original if you managed to lean against the back rest without having your feet on the platform. The BootySprout Pro is longer, which means the balance is improved.

We didn’t ask for it, but it is a nice touch. They also added adjustments to the back rest pad. Now different sized athletes have some options.

What I’m Looking For In The BootySprout Pro

BootySproutPro Logo

We liked the first one, so I’m hoping that doesn’t change with the BootySprout Pro. My main focuses are going to be, are the new additions GOOD additions, or not? And ultimately, do I think it is worth spending an extra ~$60 on.

Other Hip Thrust Options On The Market

You have a HUGE assortment of options here. Amazon has a ton.

BC Strength

Bret Contreras has several options under his BC Strength line that are similar in concept to the BootySprout Pro. Bret is the clear Glute specialist here, but he also seems to be a little anti home gym. When I did my first BootySprout review, even though I follow Bret on multiple channels, I had never seen his Hip Thruster model. He spends his time promoting his commercial machines and workout programs.

Bret also has a dicey past, if you dig into it at all. A lot of weird stuff with ex-girlfriends and peers of his in the industry. So that might skew your stance here, I know it did ours.

BC Pad edited
BCThruster 3 edited

Nordic Combo Machines

You also can perform Hip Thrusts on several of the Nordic Combo Machines.

Freak Athlete Hyper Pro


It costs over 3x what the BootySprout Pro costs, but also does a LOT more. The key difference, and the reason why we still kept the original BootySprout in our gym, is that the Freak Athlete can not use bands without having another outside set-up.

I’m working on a review, which you can check out more here.

Tib Bar Guy Nordic Back Extension Machine V2

TibBarGuyNordicBackExtensionV2 FeaturedImage

The Tib Bar Guy’s Nordic Back Extension Machine V2 released in early 2024 and comes in at about 2x what the BootySprout Pro costs. It takes a lot of HEAVY influences from the Freak Athlete model. Their model adjusts in a similar fashion, sets up for Hip Thrusts the same, and has a ton of exercise options. Nut again, NO BANDS for Hip Thrusts!

Check out the review here.

Nordstick The Nordbench

TheNordBench Screenshot

New to the scene in late 2024, actually not even fully released to the market yet, is the Nordstick The Nordbench.

Save 10% on the new NordBench and all NordStick products w/ Code: GML10S

The Nordstick Nordbench clocks in at about 2x the BootySprout Pro, but again, does more. It however, once again, does not do bands for hip thrusts. They have some unique features including a wall mount, squat wedge, and more that MIGHT make this a really interesting direct competitor with the BootySprout.

When I receive mine, I’ll update with picture and details.

Sign Up For More

✅ I’ll have a full review on the BootySprout Pro here and over on my YouTube channel. If you have something specific you’d like answered, let me know.

Want to snag a BootySprout Pro and save $20? Click Here.

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My name is Joe Gray - aka Gray Matter Lifting - and I've been lifting at home since 2013. In that time I've built a badass gym, deadlifted over 600lbs, helped grow r/Homegym to over 1 Million subscribers, created the Garage Gym Competition and written a ton of posts here on this site. I love the Garage Gym Community... If you do too, I hope you stick around.