Iron Neck 3.0 Pro – 6 Month Experiment

Last updated on September 6th, 2024 at 04:04 pm

I’ve been experimenting with neck training for awhile now. I bought the Iron Neck Alpha Harness and experimented here and there with it. I posted about my experiments and my Chiropractor, who I credit with helping me and a number of my friends get out of pain, offered to take some X-Rays to see if we had any good/bad changes on the inside when using these neck devices.

A few months went bye and I forgot about his offer, and kind of stopped using the harness consistently. Then my friends at Living.Fit offered to hook me up with the real deal Iron Neck 3.0 Pro, and I got the process going again. I took my first set of X-Rays on June 4th, we’ll do another set in early September, and then a final set in early January.

This will be 6 full months of consistent use of the Iron Neck, to see if we have any structural changes. I’ll also take note of any observations I can make, changes in my posture, neck pain or stiffness, etc. Anything that I think I can connect to the Iron Neck 3.0 Pro usage, I’ll make sure to share.


Key Notes

Is neck training the forgotten fountain of youth? Or is it a waste of time? I’ll be testing the Iron Neck 3.0 Pro for 6 months and then sharing my objective and subjective feedback

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Iron Neck 3.0 Pro - 6 Month Experiment

What I’m Looking For In The Iron Neck 3.0 Pro

I gave up the corporate life a few years back, but I still deal with the typical “text neck” that the average human being living in the 2020’s deals with. Phones, monitors, driving, and more, all add to a neck that gets a little out of whack. Not only would I like to avoid chronic neck pain, I’d like to look better, feel better, and experience any performance benefits having “better” posture might come with.

I’ve had some upper trap and lower trap issues on my right side for awhile, and wondering if this might help open me up and balance me out a little.

I don’t do any contact sports, so I’m not looking for anything there. But I’ve heard people say they feel stronger when using it regularly, which in theory makes sense. A more aligned posture, a more efficient neural pathway, could/should lead to being stronger. We shall see!

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✅ I’ll have a full review on the Iron Neck 3.0 Pro after my 6 month experiment. If you have something specific you’d like answered, let me know.

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My name is Joe Gray - aka Gray Matter Lifting - and I've been lifting at home since 2013. In that time I've built a badass gym, deadlifted over 600lbs, helped grow r/Homegym to over 1 Million subscribers, created the Garage Gym Competition and written a ton of posts here on this site. I love the Garage Gym Community... If you do too, I hope you stick around.