Impact Custom Mouthguard – 1+ Year Review
Last updated on January 11th, 2024 at 12:00 pm
If you wear a mouth guard, or are considering one, and you have a little extra cash to toss at it, I highly recommend going down the route of a custom mouth guard like one your dentist can provide. Just save yourself some money, skip the dentist, and grab an Impact Custom Mouthguard.
Key Notes
Impact makes mouthguards for a TON of purposes. What is crazy is that you get the exact fit, customization, and more. For MUCH cheaper than any other route I’ve seen.
Ever since I started lifting heavier weights I realized I clinched my teeth. It isn’t exactly an issue when you are benching 100lbs and doing the leg press for your leg day. But once you start pushing yourself and grinding your teeth becomes a 5 day a week endeavor, you start worrying about your future dental health. I asked my dentist about whether it was a good idea to wear a mouth guard or not, and he said “well, studies show you actually lift more and your overall performance goes up with a mouth guard!”
I knew he was the right dentist for me. He recommended I buy a cheapo mouth guard from a local sports store. The ones where you drop it in boiling water for a while, clench down, run it under cold water, and you are good. I did that, and used it for about a year. It always rubbed my gums wrong, it was hard to breathe, and talking was near impossible.
I remember wearing a dentist made mouth guard when I was a kid for sports, and how clean and easy, and durable it was. My dentist told me it would cost $200, and that’s WITH my insurance. No thanks. So I did what I always do, Googled it. I found the Impact Custom Mouthguard and decided to give it a shot. I ordered a black mouth guard, with my custom logo on it.
Impact Custom Mouthguard Durability
A picture is worth a thousand words. So here is the side by side comparison after a year of use to the cheapo mouth guard. Now mind you, I religiously wear my Impact Custom Mouthguard. 5 days a week, it is probably in for 95%+ of sets and reps I do, regardless of if it’s a heavy squat or a pump set of curls. It even stays in while I drink my workout drinks. The cheapo mouth guard was worn only for heavy sets, much like a belt, just to give me that little bit of protection.

As you can see, not only did it hold up extremely well over the course of a year, it also held up WAY better than the cheap mouth guard. The only imperfections I can feel or notice, is one small bump where my sharpest bottom tooth contacts the mouth guard. It isn’t falling apart or shredding or anything, but you can tell I probably punctured the initial “seal” on the guard itself in that one area. Otherwise, with the exception of a little color fading, this thing looks pretty solid.

Impact Custom Mouthguard Fit, Feel, Function
This was honestly the primary driving factor for an upgrade for me. I wanted something I didn’t hate wearing. This nailed it. In fact, I’ve actually finished workouts and walked inside with it still in my mouth, and didn’t realize until I was several minutes into whatever else I was going to do. It fits like a glove, almost vacuum sealing onto your teeth, but not in a harsh way. Just in a, this was made for you, kind of way. I don’t end my workouts with any jaw pain, teeth clenching issues, etc.
It doesn’t irritate my gums, dry out my mouth, or otherwise impact my breathing or anything else. I can do everything I want to do in the gym, while protecting my teeth. I probably wouldn’t wear it during cardio (in fact I don’t), simply because I’m not clenching there and I want that extra millimeter of breathing ability. But everything else is just find. My cheap guard had to be removed after every set, and put back in. This made chalking up a pain.
Cost Comparison
So of course the cheapo mouth guard was cheap. Maybe $10? The Impact Mouth guard is upwards of $50. So it would take several years before you’d get your money back from purely a durability and replacement stance. And if my Impact mouth guard ever falls apart, I’m now even deeper in the hole. However, for a $40 difference, the fit and feel is well worth it to me. Even outside of the custom colors, logo, names, etc. that you can get, the simple fact that the mouth guard is cut to me and fits perfectly, is worth it.
Plus, compared to the equally custom dentist model, you are saving over $100. In fact, that’s one of Impacts primary reasons for existing. To replicate that model, but at a reasonable price. There are other mouth guard companies out there that I assume offer a similar process of molding to your mouth, shipping the materials, custom creating from the imprint, etc. which means you might get similar results. However, I’ve obviously never used them, and since I’ve had such a great experience so far, I have no need to go elsewhere.

Impact Custom Mouthguard Overall Thoughts
There isn’t a TON to say about a mouth guard, thus this review, even after a year, is a little on the short side. I’m really happy with this mouth guard, and fully plan to invest in a new one if at some point mine falls apart. I hope it holds together for another few years so that my investment actually evens out, but regardless, I’m happy. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Impact to anyone, all though their sales emails can get a little annoying after a while. I get it, there is a ton of reasons to get a good mouth guard. Guess what, I already bought one. From you. Stop trying to sell me the product I already bought. Otherwise, solid company, solid product, decent price.
You can grab an Impact Custom Mouthguard at this link.
Check out the Impact PowerLIFT Mouthguard review I did.
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