Affiliate & Review Disclosure

I’ve been writing garage gym content since 2016. My goal was and still is, to put out content that I’d like to watch, read, and participate in. Nothing has me closing the window faster than an obviously bad review. You can see if the person has laid out ACTUAL pros and cons or if they found some fluff to pad their content. If they have spent time with the equipment, or simply unboxed and created a quick video. As a home gym enthusiast you can tell the difference between a good review and a bad one.

And guess what? Those are the exact reasons I started doing my reviews in the first place. I saw a lack of transparency, quality, and in depth reviews for the home gym community. Some of the biggest names in garage gym reviews were simply attempting to be first to market with flashy production and a solid sales pitch. Their goal was never to do transparent and honest reviews, their goal was to sell you something.

I created my 1+ Year Reviews in an effort to showcase products that I actually used, regularly, and how they had held up. A real lifter, in their garage, using the products they bought, to get bigger and stronger. A novel idea I know.

What Is Different Today?

So here I am, years later, still plugging away at writing reviews. A few things have changed since those original reviews.

I now have some better audio, lighting, and recording equipment. I know a little more about WordPress and website design. And my Photoshop skills have improved greatly.

Over the years so many people have asked for ways to support what I do, that I have added the affiliate link process into my write ups, reviews, and videos. This is a way for YOU, if you like what I do and want to see more of it, to help me do just that at no additional cost to you (some even come with discounts for you).

With that interest from the community comes more eyes from companies. Companies want to send me things to review. It means more reviews and more opportunities, which is good for everyone. I simply can’t buy every single product out there, but a few freebies here and there helps keep things moving.

What Is Still The Same?

What you’ll get from me is 100% unforgiving transparency, and 100% my views and only my views. I have shared negatives about some of the products I HELPED develop, outright told people NOT to buy items from companies and people I genuinely like, and shared positives about companies and products I wouldn’t overall recommend. I’ll keep doing it. Full stop.

I’m not saying I’m right 100% of the time, I’ve definitely changed my opinion on a number of things over the years. But you know that what I say will be based on my years of experience in the garage, and months of tinkering and testing a product. There are a lot of places you can go to get your garage gym fix. I want to make sure that when you show up here, when you listen and read my content, you leave with MY perceptions of a product. Not anyone else’s. And you leave a better informed garage gym owner so you can make the right decision FOR YOU!

If you click that link to buy something, based on my write-up, recommendation, or review… I want there to be NO buyers remorse. I want you to know exactly what you are getting into. The whole story.

Will You Only Review Affiliate Link and Free Products?

Hell no! I’ll keep digging into the savings account to fund a new specialty bar that I need, hound Marketplace for the next nick nack or upgrade, and keep being a regular home gym owner. And in the instance that I get something sent my way for free or at a discount? You’ll know about it. I’ll make sure it is up front before we even dig into the review itself.

I have no problem making money doing cool stuff in my garage. But I continue to want to steer this ship in a way that lets me sleep comfortably at night. That lets my mom, my wife, and my daughter know I am doing the right thing, even if it is the hard thing. So I’ll keep doing my thing, my way, and have a lot of fun doing it.

Ok… enough time on my soap box. Hopefully if you are here, you know that my word is my bond. Everything on this site was hand written by me, and that will never change. If you want to continue to support what I do, check out the reviews and hit those links. Each one adds up and even if there isn’t an affiliate link tied to it, it helps with visibility. So thanks for being here!

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