Supplement Reviews

Looking for the best Supplement Reviews for your pursuit of gains? Trying to lose some weight? Add some muscle? Pump up the downstairs for some sexy times? Maybe just wanna live a little longer? Perfect!

I will be pursuing a number of supplements in an effort to tweak, test, and hack my way to all of the above. My process includes taking before and after pictures, monitoring strength gains, aesthetic changes, as well as doing blood work before and after. You’ll have a strong case to add, or ignore, each supplement I go through with a full spectrum of results. Don’t see something you think I should have reviewed? Vote for it on my Review Pipeline.

Supplement Reviews

My Long Time Experience With Supplements

I’ve been taking some kind of supplement since I was a kid, starting with multi vitamins. I’ve tried a LOT over the years. A lot has dropped off, some worked temporarily, some never worked at all. Some aren’t available any more. Here is my basic stack that hasn’t changed for multiple years:

My daughter takes some children’s gummies, and my wife takes some of the same stuff as I do, and a few different things. She has low blood pressure and low sugar levels, I tend to be towards the other end of the spectrum. I’m a dude, she isn’t. You get the idea. If we both happen to test a supplement, I’ll make sure to include our notes from both of us.

If I add, change, test, or experiment with anything, I’ll let you know.

Supplement Reviews

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