Gray Matter Lifting In The Spotlight
I’ve been lifting at home since 2013, and I’ve been writing home gym related articles, creating videos, and more since 2016. I actually had my first published article BEFORE I used the name Gray Matter Lifting, published on Fringe Sport about using Craigslist. The updated version of that is now my Garage Gym Basics Used Gym Equipment article.
One of my favorite parts of doing this, is being able to connect with like minded dudes and dudettes in the home gym community. It is crazy to think how a shared interest of lifting at home can connect two people across the country to the point of sharing their favorite new tv shows. Over the years I’ve partnered and connected with a lot of cool people. Gray Matter Lifting In The Spotlight is where I keep track of them all.
Watch The Full YouTube Playlist of Collaborations
I have been a mod on Reddit since 2018. In that time we’ve grown from 40k to over 1 million subscribers. I did my first AMA (after scheduling 50 of them) in April of 2023… and it was a BANGER.
Garage Gym Life
I can’t think of anyone who has supported me more than JGIII at Garage Gym Life. Early on he saw something about the way I write, what I write about, and my convictions that he wanted to be a part of. That early on exposure and support and creative outlet gave me some gas to keep throwing punches. It kind of validated what I was doing that others with a name wanted to share it. Over the years we have worked together on everything from reviews, to interviews, to his magazine, and more. I’m normally down to do whatever he thinks sounds good. We have plans for a full garage gym tour spotlight in the future.
Garage Gym Lab
Adam and I started our journeys in the garage, and in writing about it, at almost the same times. Adam took a slightly different path than I did, and boy did it work. He is now full time in the garage, actually his SECOND garage. He is one of the most well known and respected names in the space, and he is still crushing it.
Adam was an early fan of my gym, even using it in his original Facebook banner image. He did this write up in the middle of 2022 on the V4 of my gym. You can check out my spotlight on his site along with a bunch of other awesome gyms.
Garage Gym Radio
Jake at Garage Gym Experiment has been doing it a little different since day one. And now he is running the Garage Gym Radio network, kicked off HomeGymCon, and continues to do some awesome stuff for the home gym community.
We turn the spotlight on all things me, some home gym data, some insights, and more. I plan to join some of his home gym roundtables soon (we did one but the recording didn’t work).
Vintage Weights PGH
I’ve long had a fascination with vintage weights. Now, I will caveat that and say that I do not consider myself a collector. Some of these guys, Rob included, have standard weights, odd dumbbells, and anything old makes its way into the gym. I have my plates, a bar, some collars, and I’m good. Doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate the old stuff, even if I have no room for it. Check out my interview with Rob here.

The team behind things like shorts and not spilling your drinks, decided to give me a shot at talking about the Garage Gym Competition. They have been a sponsor for a couple of years and figured they’d throw me a bone and let me blabble on about lifting weights at home. This was one of my favorites, based on who else has been on the show. I still hold the win for most watched episode about a virtual powerlifting event for at home lifters.
Freedom Fitness
Ashton from Freedom Fitness is one of the more outspoken dudes in the greater home gym community. He is STRONGLY passionate about used equipment, and tries to make sure people understand why. I can dig it. We spotlight how I transitioned from full time HR Professional to doing my Gray Matter thing as a job.
Personal Process Podcast
Parham and I would likely be very good friends if we lived near each other. I love that his interests aren’t really focused on one key demographic, but instead talking to people who are passionate. You could be an entrepenuer, doctor, researcher, or work in a cubicle… if you have some passion behind your voice and your ideas, he wants to hear it. I sent both JGIII and my dude Carl to Parham to chat after I did.
Twisted Barbell
Marcus has been competing in the GGC for several years, and wanted to chat about all things Gray Matter Lifting. Our chat ran long so he had to trim and cut, but it was a cool chat.
Garage Gym Coach
The short lived Garage Gym Coach podcast was the first home gym related podcast I can think of. He had some changes in his personal life, which had him stop producing, but it was fun while it lasted. You can check out my interview here.
GORX – LFGrx Podcast
I sat down with GORX to discuss being a content creator and home gym business dude. We talk about where I started, what I’ve learned, and much more.
I got contacted recently to share my thoughts on how to use your house for content creation. Since I have an entire article on How To Be A Home Gym Content Creator, I shared a few tips and tricks that were featured in this article: Content Creator Room Ideas for Future Influencers